Tobacco Machinery
Specially designed plants to meet Customer´s requirements.
Our design is supported by figures and numbers verified “in the machine, while running”.
- THRESHER : High efficiency, wide speed range. The housing has motorized opening (quick and easy access for basket replacement and for maintenance and for cleaning). In conformity with Safety Regulations.
- >NEW CLASSIFIER : High efficiency, very compact, low energy requirement.
– Winnower with adjustable speed and angle launching, air separation distribution and speed regulation.
– Apron conveyor for heavies collection.
– Rotary air lock valve for heavies discharge.
– Radial blade fans. - >Long stem drop equipment : placed in 3rd stage.
- >Control board with P.L.C. unit with functional arrangement of run/stop sequences.
- >Dust exhausting plants.
- >Pneumatic conveying systems